Mother Continues Alienation and Child Abuse by Not Involving Father In New School Choice

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Despite a promise to keep a father involved with their child’s new school, a mother continues on her usual course of action by alienating the father from a major choice in their daughter’s schooling.

Now, the father is not even told when they are going to see potential new schools and instead the mother’s boyfriend has been promoted as the father in this matter. This is outrageous and something must be done to combat evil women that do things like this. This father has been there from pregnancy onwards, always available for their daughter and always striving to see their child more, but after 3 years in court this father has been reduced to nothing more than a part-time carer who has no say in her upbringing.

Childrens rights are being completely ignored and the UK signed up to The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

Something must be done to help fathers in the UK, who are being routinely discriminated against.

This entry was posted in CAFCASS, child abuse, child rights, childrens rights, equal parenting, family court, Family Law, Fathers Rights, parental alienation, shared parenting and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.